Introducing planworXTM 2.0
Spatial Data IntegrationHarness legacy and existing datasets for a spatial view into all of your municipal assets.LEARN MORE
Jobs ManagementGain at-a-glance insights into all ongoing jobs in the planning and development phases.LEARN MORE
Review + Approval ProcessManage and review all pending approvals including upcoming and outstanding projects sourced from legacy systems.LEARN MORE
Labour + Equipment TrackingGain at-a-glance insights into all labour and equipment including their location, status, and more.LEARN MORE
Posting for PayrollSimplify payroll processes by utilizing jobs and labour tracking modules from integrated databases.LEARN MORE
A spatial & unified view into all assets, jobs, labour, and payroll so you can track & manage your municipal operations more efficiently.

Cultivate smarter cities
Cities and governments globally are racing to make better use of actionable data when making decisions. Because so many government activies are inherently location-centric, accessing and understanding location-related data is critical. Citizens and stakeholders demand it, and agencies are being held accountable to the data they manage.
Eliminate siloed data
Eliminate siloed data by re-envisioning the way your municipality shares data. Make accountability easy by sharing data with different departments, all in real-time, automatically. The best governments manage their location data and deliver it in an actionable format to their citizens, developers, and employees, which, conveniently, is delivered in your integrated worXLog dashboard.

Leverage data for urban planning
Location data is crucial in planning more efficient and sustainable cities. Spatially analyzing mobility and citizen behaviour with internal and external data is crucial in order for urban planners to succeed in shaping the future of their cities with data-driven decision making.
View customizable metrics
Control what business intelligence is delivered to your dashboard. Enable your teams by customizing the KPIs and analytics relevant to specific teams. With Enterprise Information Data Infrastructure, or EIDI, our proprietary data manipulation engine, you can source and convert databases into actionable insights.

Let’s talk about
what’s next for you
Our representatives and specialists are ready with the solutions you need to advance your business.

Start today so you're further ahead tomorrow.
i-Open Group, a Canadian leader in spatially enabled applications, helps clients get ahead of today's challenges to capitalize on what's next with communications, technology, data, and analytics solutions that help transform business processes.